Sunday, September 8, 2019

Math Fun

Do you DREAD teaching math?  I LOVE it!  One of my favorite math jokes is super punny, and my father used to tell me it all the time when I was a little girl.  (He always told great jokes..... hi dad!  You're still the funniest dad in the world!!!!)

Q:  How far can a dog run into a forest?
A: Half-way!  Because once it reaches the half-way point it starts running out!!!

Now I use this joke EVERY SINGLE YEAR at the start of my fraction unit.  I have used it in all upper elementary classes.... every single year since I started teaching.  Think about it!  That's 20+ years of students giggling during math class.  I interject jokes as often as possible.  It has helped to change the mindset of many students.  Today I would like to share with you a few of my favorites.  
Q: Why did the student do multiplication problems on the floor?
A: The teacher told him not to use tables.

Q: How do you solve any equation?
A: Multiply both sides by zero.

Q: Which tables do you not have to learn?
A: Dinner tables!

Q: What tool is best suited for math?
A: Multi-pliers.

Q: Why did the girl wear glasses during math class?
A: It improved di-vision.

Q: What’s a swimmer’s favorite kind of math?
A: Dive-ision!

Q: Do you know what seems odd to me?
A: Numbers that aren’t divisible by two.

Q: Do you know what’s odd?
A: Every other number!

Q: Why was six afraid of seven?
A: Because seven, eight, nine!

Do you have any great math jokes?  Share yours below and let’s get this math party started!
Check back next week, because I will share more jokes to keep your students laughing + learning!

Have a great week!

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