Sunday, December 22, 2019

Winter Break "To Do" List

It's the most wonderful time of year!  

I have many "exciting" things planned for my winter break this year. I plan on doing all the things that I want to do during the school year that I either don't have time for, or have little or no energy left in order to do them.  

Number one on my list: work out every other day.  I don't know about you, but during the school year I am lucky if I have enough energy to go for a long walk once or tice a week.  So now I have 2 beautiful weeks to enjoy focus on my fitness.  

Of course I am going to see my family and my friends.... but it's fitness that I can never seem to make the time for.  So really I have one thing on my To-Do List!  :-)  Not much of a "list," huh?  I wonder if I can find a workout class down by the beach?  Work on my tan and my body at the same time?  Best of both worlds?!?  After all, winter vacation in sunny south Florida... something to consider...

My view at the beach! 

What are you hoping to accomplish during your break?

-Sandra @The Happy Learning Den

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Winter Break Countdown


Thanksgiving break has passed and now we face the long road between now and winter break. It's tough! The semester is ending, schedules are bursting at the seams, & your students are distracted by holiday dreams and wish lists. Here is my countdown to winter vacation.  Enjoy!

1.  Coffee Becomes Your Lifeblood

You are staring down the days (daze) between now and Winter Break and realize the only means of survival is an IV of espresso. 

2.  Your Mind Becomes Distracted in the Middle of Class
You have shopping lists and that addictive holiday song stuck in your head. It makes sense that your mind may wander in these last few weeks of the year!  

3.  You Get an Unexpected Observation Right Before Break 😲
Deep, slow, calming breaths. You got this. Remember, soon you'll be sleeping without an alarm clock and won't need that coffee IV attached to you.

4.  When You're Stuck in a Meeting
Six words: It. Could. Have. Been. An. Email.

5.  Holiday Treats Show Up Daily in the Teacher Lounge
You deserve those three Hershey Kiss cookies, and don't let anyone tell you different. 

6, Your Desk Starts to Overflow with Homemade Gifts 
The gifts from your students makes your heart melt!

7.  When the Bell Rings on the Last Day
Don't run any students over as you sprint out of the building!

How many of my stages of the "Winter Break Countdown" do you relate to? Let me know in the comments section below.
-Sandra @The Happy Learning Den

Sunday, December 8, 2019

"Why do we have to do this?"

Student: "Why do we have to do this?" 
Me: "Because one day in the future you might choose a career that right now you don't see yourself doing."

I have high expectations for all of my students, and while not every student is where they should be academically, I do expect each student to work hard.  I expect each student to think about what they are writing, and to make sure their answers "make sense."  The assignment that I am sharing with you today came out even better than I expected.  

I assigned my students a math and science writing activity.  Oh, yes. You read that right... they needed to write in math class!  My fifth graders wrote 2-3 paragraphs explaining how they would use math in their future career, and another 2-3 paragraphs explaining how they would also use science in their future careers.  It was a lot of fun!  

Many of my students were insistent that they wouldn't use science in football, soccer, or basketball.  (I have many future NFL, NBA, and World Cup superstars in my class this year!)  However, once I  kicked, dribbled, and threw my imaginary balls around the class and asked them what I was doing using scientific terminology.... I started hearing works like gravity, force and motion, and friction. Ahhhhhhh, so they do need science to play sports.  

Of course I took a few photos of their final copies to share with you.  I hope you enjoy reading them! 


Please comment below and let me know what you think.  I always enjoy feedback.  :)

-Sandra @ The Happy Learning Den

Sunday, December 1, 2019


It’s time to spread a little holiday cheer!  What better place to start than in your own classroom?  The weeks leading up to the holiday break in your classroom can be stressful.  Give yourself a break by using one of these great classroom resources, which will help you with easier planning while your students will have lots of fun!

You can try these engaging Christmas & Chanukah Figurative Language and Math packets for grades 3-6. Not only are they fun, but everything is standards-aligned and will serve as a great review or practice for several skills.  
Simply print and go…That’s pretty easy!

Christmas Reading & Math
Figurative Language

Chanukah Math
Christmas & Chanukah Math

Wishing you a joyous holiday season!