Sunday, December 20, 2015

Winter Break To-Do List

It's the most wonderful time of year!  
I have many "exciting" things planned for my winter break this year. I plan on doing all the things that I want to do during the school year that I either don't have time for, or have little or no energy left in order to do them.  

Number one on my list: go to the gym every other day.  I don't know about you, but during the school year I am lucky if I have enough energy to go once or twice a week.  So now I have 2 beautiful weeks to enjoy the gym.  

Of course I am going to see my family and my friends.... but it's the gym that I can never seem to make the time for.  So really I have one thing on my To-Do List!  :-)  Not much of a "list," huh?

What are you hoping to accomplish during your break?
The best is yet to come,
Sandra @The Happy Learning Den

Sunday, December 13, 2015

T'was the Week Before Break

T'was the week before winter vacation
and the only thing in my brain
was a message on repeat:
"They're driving me insane!"

Their presents are wrapped.
My grades are all done.
Only one thing stands between now 
and two weeks of fun!

Just five days of school
'til our break does arrive.
One little week, 
but will I survive?

My lessons are planned
with detail and care.
In hopes that the attention
of my students I will snare.

I picture my students 
comfortable in their seats.
They are entirely engrossed
in their academic feats.

When out of my daydream
I did awake,
and returned to reality,
when out in the hallway I heard quite a clatter!

I sprang to my feet 
to see what was the matter.
It was the class next door
that caused my heart to go pitter patter!

As I threw open the door, 
and raised up my arms,
when what to my startled eyes did appear,
but eight tiny gift bags all in a row.

I knew in my heart 
this must be a trick,
all students were in their classrooms,
oh where is St. Nick?

Back into my classroom 
I did head,
with a grin on my face 
and love in my heart.

To all my friends I wish you a joyous holiday season with your students and your families!  May this week be calm and drama-free as you enjoy your winter parties, field trips, assemblies, and anything and everything else that you experience this week.  

The best is yet to come!
~Sandra @The Happy Learning Den

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why do we have to learn this?

Student: "Why do we have to learn this?" 
Me: "Because one day in the future you might choose a career that right now you don't see yourself doing."

I have high expectations for all of my students, and while not every student is where they should be academically, I do expect each student to work hard.  I expect each student to think about what they are writing, and to make sure their answers "make sense."  The assignment that I am sharing with you today came out even better than I expected.  

I assigned my students a math and science writing activity.  Oh, yes. You read that right... they needed to write in math class!  My fifth graders wrote 2-3 paragraphs explaining how they would use math in their future career, and another 2-3 paragraphs explaining how they would also use science in their future careers.  It was a lot of fun!  

Many of my students were insistent that they wouldn't use science in football, soccer, or basketball.  (I have many future NFL, NBA, and World Cup superstars in my class this year!)  However, once I  kicked, dribbled, and threw my imaginary balls around the class and asked them what I was doing using scientific terminology.... I started hearing works like gravity, force and motion, and friction. Ahhhhhhh, so they do need science to play sports.  

Of course I took a few photos of their final assignments to share with you.  I hope you enjoy reading them!  (Please note, after the photograph of the hallway bulletin board display, I arranged the photos here in a specific order.  First is the drawing of the student in his/her future career.  Next you  will see 2 photographs of the students actual writing.)

Please comment below and let me know what you think.  I always enjoy feedback.  :)

The best is yet to come!
~Sandra @The Happy Learning Den