Sunday, August 4, 2019

10 Genius Dollar Store Hacks for Your Classroom

If you are a teacher who is trying to stick to a budget,there is no better place to find a trove of ideas than your local dollar store.
I shop there frequently myself, so I’ve put together a list of my favorite dollar store hacks for teachers.  Below, check out my top ten favorite dollar store hacks for the classroom.

1. Notebook Paper
They have both college-ruled and wide-ruled paper. 

2. Correction Tape/Fluid
Don’t sweat the small mistakes—just grab some correction tape or fluid the next time you’re at the dollar store. (Full disclosure: I keep a small stockpile in one of my cabinets for all the mistakes I make!)

3. Pencils
Teachers always need pencils! Plus, they always have decorative ones that can go in my prize bin.

4. Index Cards
You can have students make flash cards for any subject matter!  (The Dollar Store does sell flash cards, but I always find it to be more meaningful when students create their own.)

5. Mini Broom and Dustpan
You might have the best custodial staff in the world, but having a little broom and dustpan will come in handy so often throughout the year. (Anyone else flashing to "that one student" dropping everything everywhere?)

6. Clothespins
Let each student decorate their clothespin. Then glue thumbtacks on the back of them and hang them on your bulletin board. Now each student has a special place to share their classwork.

7. Binder Clips
You can get both traditional binder clips and magnetic ones from the dollar store. (I have an obsession with 'pretty' binder clips.) Look in the office supply or school supply section to see all choices. 

8. Bandages
Of course you can grab some from the school nurse (if you have one), or your front office, but it’s ideal to have them in the classroom, too. Plus, they have such cute designs. (I love the new troll bandages!)

9. Photo Frames
Put the directions to centers in each frame, label your table groups, put your standards for the week in each one.  Students could also frame best writing pieces to leave at school or take home. 

10. Paper Plates
You can do all sorts of activities with paper plates.  Check out this blog post about an engaging order of operations activity I do with my 5th graders each year.

What dollar store hacks can you not live without? Share in the comments section below.

Have a great week,