Sunday, June 30, 2019

Summer Bucket List

Good morning (or afternoon or evening), 😍

I hope last week was great!  Mine was a WHIRLWIND!  Closing on my new house, unpacking, figuring out where to put things, having a little work done... just a little.  It has been intense, but I wanted to take the time and write a little too.  After all, my goal for the new school year is to be more consistent with writing.  There is no time like the present to start practicing!  So, here I am again!

Today I would like to share with you a fun summer challlenge.... a top ten list of things to "try to do." 

1.  I know the temptation to begin planning for next year, but it is important to take a break for a week or two.  Or even take a month off if you can.  You'll feel invigorated when you return to your plans.

2.  Read a book that is just for grown-ups.  I have read 3 murder mysteries so far this summer.  I highly recommend it.

3.  Classroom Shopping Challenge:  Go to Walmart, and don't buy anything for your classroom.  Then go to Target and once again buy NOTHING for your classroom.  Then go to any dollar store.  You can do it!  Don't buy anything for your classroom here either.  I believe in you. Will you succeed?

4.  Reconnect with family and friends.  Travel to see college friends now that you don't have the time constraints of the classroom.  Take some tome to spend quality time with your family.  Celebrate all the awesome stuff that everyone else is doing.

5.  Start a new hobby.  Take a yoga class for a week.  Explore a new interest.  Give yourself time for it to become a regular part of your life.

6.  Do you.  Summer is an excellent time to have a little reflection time.  Pamper yourself.  Get a foot massage, get a manicure, pedicure, or both.  Take care of yourself now so that you can take care of all your students when you return.

7.  Reflect.  Reflect on your reflections.  Reflect on your students, reflect on your year, your attitude, your personal life.

8.  Read teaching blogs.  You're reading this blog!  So you've already succeeded in checking this off your list!

9.  Say "Thank You."  While you're feeling wonderful after inspiring yourself, make sure to say thank you.  It can be for thanking a colleague for helping you out.  It can be as simple as sending a note, but it's still important. This is a great way to create and/ or strengthen friendships.

10.  Do whatever you need to do, but make sure you take time to let the stress fade and relax!

What do you think?  Are these ten items "doable?" 
 How many do you think you will be able to check off?  Let me know in the comments section below.  I can't wait!

-Sandra @ The Happy Learning

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